
Mexico Tour 2024

We’re going on tour in Mexico this March!!

MARCH 21 – PUEBLA – Breve Espacio – Tickets

MARCH 22 – CDMX – Bajo Circuito – Tickets

MARCH 23 – GUADALAJARA – Cuerda Cultura – Tickets

Also check out the amazing ANDRU and JOZZEE, who will be joining us for Puebla + CDMX and Guadalajara, respectively.

Psst, we’ll be performing at least 2 brand new songs 🤫

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Tour starts in 2 weeks and we couldn’t be more excited! Check the dates and get yourself a ticket cause every night is gonna be a movie:

MAY 2nd – PRAGUE – Cafe V Lese – TICKET LINK

MAY 6th – ZURICH – Brauerei Oerlikon – TICKET LINK


MAY 16th – HAMBURG – Astra Stube – TICKET LINK

MAY 18th – BERLIN – Marie Antoinette – TICKET LINK

MAY 20th – WARSAW – Chmury – TICKET LINK

MAY 24th – LONDON – The Grace – TICKET LINK

JUNE 1st – BUDAPEST – S8 Underground – TICKET LINK

JUNE 6th – MUNICH – Feierwerk – TICKET LINK

JUNE 8th – PARIS – Supersonic – TICKET LINK


We’re super happy that all the dates are official and we can’t wait to hit the road on May 2nd and go crazy with y’all. ELEVEN times, Wahnsinn! Our live set is pretty intense and not what you would expect from an indie band. Also, we’re not gonna add any more dates to this tour so don’t miss out! 🙃 Tour blog incoming: on here but mainly on our TikTok.

Check out the amazing artists we’re playing with: Sakura, Psykhi, Fleur Bleu.e, Metro, Mosty, IMANEXPERIMENT, Hexa

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Tenerife Life

What’s good! We’re back on here and we have so much to tell you! Let’s start from the top..

As mentioned in our last post, we made it to Tenerife last December and moved to a small beachside village called Bajamar. It’s a pretty calm area, especially compared to the Island’s southern towns. There are just a few weird people who like throwing out their glass waste at 1 am every night and then there’s the local post office worker – their super loud car alarm goes off every time they start their car lol. Apart from that we’ve really been enjoying our stay away from all the hustle and bustle of big cities like Vienna. There’s a tiny supermarket here and a single bar that serves mediocre margaritas that we still order from time to time, like when we want to celebrate hitting a new streaming record (thanks to you guys ofc). One thing we dislike about Bajamar is its center, where you will find many shops with German words on their storefronts (“Deutsche Konditorei”). We like places that haven’t been overrun by tourists even though we are tourists too, weird paradox and far from a fresh take, unlike Lou’s new mullet which is super fresh and clean and amazing and GREAT 😜✨

La Laguna is the closest city to us, offering more specialized shops, nightlife and more action in general. It’s a wonderful place, but it’s so damn cold! The difference in temperature between Bajamar and up there can be up to 10 degrees celsius even though the distance is less than 8 miles. Guess that’s how mountains work hehe the more you know..

Both of us have been surfing for a while now so we try to go surfing out here somewhat regularly (we still suck tho). However, we recently came in contact with a phenomenon called “localism” which describes local surfers defending their territory by being aggressive towards outsiders/tourists. Whatever your stance on localism, our car was keyed in the parking lot because of this which certainly isn’t the worst thing in the world but it did make us feel bad and less welcomed. May the car keyer be cursed with bad waves for at least two weeks!

Apart from surfing we’ve been exercising a lot in other ways: We got back into the gym and started gaining weight as a result. We think it’s funny to be an indie band that makes super soft and dreamy music but then be absolutely ripped when we perform on stage, cool contrast right? Might be a lot of work for a joke, it’s gonna pay off tho. Running has been another staple of our exercise routine and we can definitely feel how we’re gaining endurance from week to week, hitting new time records on our beautiful, scenic running route. One thing that is definitely helping our fitness progress is our diet – we’ve been eating very clean out here, non organic foods tho cause we’re broke af BUT eating heaps of locally grown fruits and veggies. Lou makes fried rice and poke bowls all the time and luckily we still enjoy it as much as on the first day!

It’s pretty wild to think that we’re leaving here in less than a month to go back to Vienna. Summer in the Austrian capital is bearable, don’t get us wrong, but we’re definitely gonna miss Tenerife nonetheless. The last few months here we’ve been occupied with writing, recording, mixing and mastering our new single “losing friends” which will be out on April 22nd. It’s been a very long road to completing this record, the mixing phase took so much longer than we expected. It really feels like we’re getting a lot better at it but then we keep making our songs more and more complex and difficult to mix so we keep taking longer anyway. At the same time we’ve been working on our live show which is something we’re equally as proud of as we are excited to make it better over time – AND ofc show it to you guys! Putting together a stageworthy show might not seem like a big deal but for us the difficulty lies in the fact that we’re just two guys trying to perform the parts of a whole band. It honestly seemed impossible for the longest time, especially considering our lack of decent music equipment, but we finally bit the bullet and got going. We started off with just the project files of our eight indie songs that we’ve released to date (sidenote: HUGE throwback opening those projects, unveiling old ideas for vocals like for the unknown which almost came out completely different than it is now). Then we cut out the parts that we actually can and want to play live and kept the rest in there so we can play them via our midi controller on stage. We feel like that’s the best solution for now as it’s super fun and energetic while saving us the hassle of organizing an entire band and traveling to shows with a party of people. This way it’s just the two of us on stage, Lou and his guitar (And approx. 1 Million effect pedals lol) and Emil holding a mic and pushing buttons plus triggering some drum samples, playing some keys. We were also allowed to play a few songs at a bar in La Laguna recently, which served as a proof of concept for our live show. People seemed to love it and we were even asked by staff to play a full concert there. Exciting!

After a two week break (Emil got a throat infection and then covid on top of that and Lou was sick as well :/) and finishing our first collab ever with a super awesome Austrian artist we’re back to writing now – this time for our next single after “losing friends”. Today we wrote down a bunch of ideas and even found a really cool idea for the chorus that we are absolutely in love with. Probably some of our best writing to date, feeling ecstatic. Tomorrow our dear friend Pat (he’s insane) is coming to visit for about two weeks so we’re gonna have to slow down our efforts to some extent but will definitely try to get as much done as possible since we’re behind on our release schedule for the year. After Pat leaves our close friend Thommi (also insane) is visiting and almost right after that we’re leaving here which means turbulent times are ahead but we will try to be productive anyway. Stay safe out there:)

Edit: last weekend, we finally got to play our full show at “La Bowie” in La Laguna! We had to practice a lot beforehand but it was totally worth it! We had such a good time and everybody was so nice to us, lovely people all around <3. The owners of the venue are a super nice couple that put together the entire event and helped us get our sound right. Huge thanks to them 🙂 A few people we met earlier during our stay here on the island showed up, as well as some of our closest ones. At the end of our show we covered Rage Against the Machine’s “Killing in the Name of” which was suuuuper fun. What a beautiful night!! We had a few drinks after the show and went home feeling great because of all the love we received and also we now know that our live show actually works and we are in fact able to entertain people. Right now we’re editing a video of our show that night so we can send it out to other venues/promoters and hopefully get booked for more shows. We’re SO excited, it’s insane.

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2734 Miles

We made it! We’re finally in Tenerife and we’ve settled into our little apartment on a hill. Getting down here wasn’t all that easy, especially considering all of the equipment we had to bring along, but we’re gonna tell you everything about our 2734 mile road (and boat) trip today!

After finishing up some demos in Vienna, we finally started packing and loading all of our gear into Emil’s Aunt’s car (Thank you T.M.). It’s a small Skoda that’s been through a lot and we certainly didn’t go easy on it weight-wise lol. The car was filled to the brim with guitars, amps (Louis’ new one is MASSIVE), recording stuff, speakers and a surfboard – we even had our bicycles strapped to the rear (unnecessary af, we haven’t used them a single time so far). Honestly, we weren’t expecting this aging four-wheeled demon to make it all the way down to Spain. Since we didn’t get a chance to pack early in the day, we left Vienna on a cold winter night and drove a few short hours to Emil’s parent’s place in the Austrian Alps to get some sleep, an early start the next morning, and also to say some final goodbyes. We were fed some stellar gulasch, a Hungarian dish, and drank copious amounts of water from the nearby glacier. 

All of a sudden it was the next morning and still delirious from being underslept we crept over into Germany, taking some slightly snow-y roads on the way. Our trusty Skoda made it over every hill and snow patch effortlessly. I don’t really remember crossing Germany, probably because Louis was driving, and also there might not be that much to remember. We’d switch every 5 hours or so to stay focused and energized. At one of our stops at some lovely gas station we were having canned tuna which Emil managed to spill all over the roof of our car (smelled delicious <3).  After many hours on the road we hit France and finally turned south towards Montpellier. Once we made it down there, we turned West once again to take some back roads towards a tiny village close to the Spanish border called Caunes. We spent a suuper relaxed evening there with a friend of Louis’ family, who kindly fed us the most incredible French cheeses and let us stay in his newly renovated, authentic village house. Imagine this: you wake up in a huge, comfy and soft bed (next to an Austrian man!), surrounded by old paintings and renaissance furniture, you walk down stairs and there are FRESH CROISSANTS on the dining board. What a dream! We took a short walk around the village center, got back in the car and drove onward to Spain. Siii!

The next stretch of driving was rather uneventful, but late that night we arrived safely in a small town called Chiclana and met with Emil’s friend, who kindly let us sleep over. Chiclana was quiet and relaxed, and with no tourists around the place felt slightly deserted but super cozy. We had planned to stay there for a few nights so we could catch our breath before getting on the ferry to the Canaries, and that’s exactly what we did. Dozens of hours of sleep later we hit the road again and drove up North to the port of Huelva. Even though we got there a few hours early, some retired caravan people managed to get ahead of us in line, they’re just too good at queueing, vicious! To be honest, there may have been another slight hold-up just before we got in line.. we were sniffed out by the cutest police dog we’ve ever seen, it must have caught a whiff of something in our car, which led to our poor Skoda being surrounded by cops and Emil having to empty his pockets. Nothing was found though (because nothing was there lol ;)) and we could finally get back to waiting aggressively. At this point we still weren’t sure if we were going to meet the max height requirement, but we did and were admitted to one of the ferrie’s decks. 

We got on the ship close to midnight, so we quickly started looking for a quiet spot where we could catch some ZzZs. A tight spot between 2 benches seemed like a good choice (we had our own window with sea view 🥰), so we put down our yoga mats and sleeping bags, brushed our teeth in a very public wash area and got to sleep! Unfortunately, all the spots between the benches had metal rails running across them, which made it significantly less comfortable than we had expected. In addition, there was a strange sort of low, resonant noise going through the ship’s floor (probably coming from the huge engine), so we didn’t get the best rest possible. The next morning, we had our homemade breakfast and got to laying out in the sun on the ferry’s deck, which was outfitted with daybeds that none of the other guests dared to touch. After we made the first move everybody else also started using them, copycats! The sun was way stronger than back home but we couldn’t feel it due to the strong winds, so obviously we ended up with really bad sunburns. Whatever! Later we watched some La Liga futbol and drank overpriced ferry-beers. Those daybeds wouldn’t leave our minds though and so we spent the following night outside on the deck with our mats and sleeping bags on two of them. Felt pretty adventurous and apart from some noise from people smoking outside, we rested well and woke up to a nice view of Gran Canaria’s harbour. This wasn’t our final stop, but after a few more hours of boating we arrived in Santa Cruz, Tenerife. 

We got off the ship and drove to our apartment via the steepest motorway we’ve ever been on, followed by a long and winding countryside road, offering stunning views over the La Laguna area and the ocean. The weather was warm and humid, making us feel like we had entered a different world. Tenerife has been treating us nicely and we’ll write more about our experience here soon. Take care and happy new year!!

Don’t forget to slide the slide show down below ⬇⬇⬇

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Back in Vienna

Hey, we have decided to tell our stories from a first person perspective from now on, using squared brackets at the beginning of each part to indicate who’s speaking.

In late September we started working in the studio again. After all, we haven’t recorded any new demos since Spring 2020! Back then we wrote all of the songs for EP1 and EP2. In the meantime, we didn’t only gather lots of new ideas but also made some progress with production software, plugins and recording techniques. Besides that, we had a tiny photo shoot for our first merch collection (more info soon) and were featured in a print magazine for the first time. Yay!

Also, we have decided to move to Tenerife for the winter, a small Spanish volcanic island in the Atlantic, close to Morocco. The weather there is usually warm and mild, which is kinda what we’re looking for. We’ll be surfing and running outdoors every day. To capture some of these moments, we thrifted a Sony HDR CX450 camcorder which makes everything look super old school. Might also use it for livestreams, let’s see 🤪

[Louis] On my tiny looper pedal (a must have for guitar players imo, boosts your creativity a lot) I’ve recorded more than 90 melodies and also Emil wrote quite a few new pieces in Ableton. Also, the new tube amp sounds absolutely killer! Imagine a stormy ocean of sound, huge waves of distortion crunching everything that comes in their way – that’s about it! Together we sat down and listened to all of these ideas and fragments, writing down our favorites and drafting a timeline for our upcoming releases. 

The beginning of September was pretty chill in Vienna. I was out a lot, meeting friends I haven’t seen in a while and exchanging stories. Fall can be beautiful in Vienna and I often found myself walking my parents’ dogs (one of them is the most annoying animal on earth while the other one is a true angel) or going for jogs in the woods. Even though I often feel like running away when staying in my home town for too long, it’s nice to catch up with my friends and remember the school days and my roots. One of my best friends even got engaged! Made me feel quite old lol. 

Some of you might not know this but I’m quite the guitar freak and love to experiment with different sounds and pedals. Even though most of these pedals only involve a few simple electronic circuits, they can be super expensive! I’ve already spent too much of my modest savings on these toys and I can’t afford to buy more. Therefore, I decided to learn how to solder and build these pieces of metal myself (super interesting right?). A few YouTube tutorials later I already had a good idea of which equipment I’d need and soon I bought a pretty neat soldering machine for little money second hand. Capacitors, diodes, resistors, input jacks, foot switches and much more … all ordered from Aliexpress for little money as well. I’ve already started my first build and I fucked up some parts instantly. Anyway, I’ll let you know soon about my progress! Maybe we’ll create some peach pedals in the future 😉

[Emil] Even though I didn’t live here for the first ten years of my life, I would still consider Vienna to be my home town. It’s not my happy place though, in fact, it’s quite the opposite! [WARNING OPINION HERE] To me it seems like people are always stressed out, mainly because they work a lot during the week and then drink too much on the weekends so they never get to recharge their batteries. And that’s exactly what I’ve been doing since we returned from our last trip.

At first I had a bunch of energy stored from our adventures in Spain that I harnessed into my creative flow, helping us write and record our new songs, but that energy slowly started decaying until it recently disappeared altogether. Now I feel tired, sluggish and lifeless. A lack of sleep is the main contributor to this strange mix of feelings. I’ve been eating clean and exercising, so those parts should be in check. One of the things that are keeping me going is the thought of leaving Vienna mid November. We’re moving to Tenerife and that’s exactly what I need right now – after all, I would have to go into hibernation over here and that’s not a suitable state to make music in, let alone to exist in. Of course I am being dramatic, but in essence that’s how I feel right now. 

There certainly are underlying issues that make it hard for me to be happy in Vienna and I am running away from my problems to some degree, however, I recently was able to solve two of those issues instead of turning my back on them: One, I finally finished my internship in software engineering and twooo, I officially finished my degree at university! I honestly never thought I would see the day, but it’s really here and that makes me happy. Once again, I always thought that I would somehow feel different after graduating college, but I don’t and I’m still the same old Emil, stressed out over tiny issues that nobody would even think about. When we were living in Spain earlier this year, I felt alive, even though on paper I was under way more pressure than I am now, juggling four rather large tasks at once. Now I’m pretty much only working on peach tinted with Lou, but I feel a lot worse than a few months ago, so my big hope is to regain my spirit down in Tenerife and to go back to feeling alive.

Some of the moments in my life during which I felt the most alive were live performances with my old band. I recently started looking into planning our live show for peach tinted and that has been another much needed source of joy and excitement. The technical side of playing a show with only two people on stage is quite complex, but as you can imagine that’s exactly my cup of tea. We’re pretty sure that we’ll be using “ableton live” as the soft(ware) heart of our performances, aided by a piece of hardware called the “ableton push” – a metal box with buttons and knobs that lets us control what is being played by the computer vs. what we want to play live on stage. I’ve also started looking at other more boring equipment that we’ll also be needing, like stage headphones and various stands.. yikes. Both Lou and I are huge proponents of buying gear used, so I think we should be able to afford the stuff we need.. at least for now.

Lou on guitar, talking to friends
Emil recording some fire lol
2 comments on “Back in Vienna”

good luck with building things louis!! also emil hang in there, i hope you feel better, im sure everything will be fine 🙂 im rly excited for the new things you guys will releasee, good luck guys and have fun <3

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After seven incredible months our time on the Iberian peninsula finally came to an end. The last weeks in Razo were super sweet, even though the weather wasn’t the best in Galicia; the beautiful green landscape made up for that though, imagine Ireland but it’s in Spain and warm from time to time – insanely peaceful up there! Not only did we manage to get a lot of administrative and promotional stuff done for peach tinted, but Emil finally finished his degree in Computer Science. Hack hack! Both of us wrote some more demos for our upcoming releases as well, which is something we’re super excited for.

The waves in Razo were among the best we had during our entire trip, the water was surprisingly warm and “soft” – not sure if that description makes sense to you. Unfortunately Emil destroyed his surfboard again, the third time during this trip already! He won’t become best friends with that board anytime soon. Lots of swear words were heard at the beach that day, much to the astonishment of local Spaniards enjoying a beer at a beachfront cafe. In comparison to Cortegaca there were way more people in the water and we barely talked to them. Interestingly, the more people there are, the more anonymous a place can make you feel, probably because you can melt into the background when surrounded by large crowds.

Gustavo got a checkup at the local mechanic’s shop – and lord, this guy knew what he was doing. He immediately fixed a rattling issue that we thought was terminal for free and also found an additional issue that needed to be fixed. An investment of €60 later and Gustavo drove like a completely different vehicle, ready for the long way home!

Louis left Razo a week early due to his mother’s 60th birthday – can’t miss that! So while Louis was chilling in the Austrian countryside, Emil was working like a machine on his bachelor’s thesis, constantly on the verge of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Within a week he was able to finish his paper, pretty stressful times. Additionally, there was a large forest fire right next to our house so Emil had to evacuate. He was certainly thankful to have a vehicle he could sleep in. The last five days of thesis writing were done in Gustavo, which could have been cozier, especially considering that all of our equipment along with FIVE surfboards that our friends conveniently left behind as well as two bicycles were stacked to the ceiling inside of the van.

On September 5th, Emil finally hit the road after one last surf session and began his adventurous journey from the Western tip of Galicia back to Vienna. He immediately broke his phone charger and therefore got lost somewhere around A Coruña, trying to navigate via a map he had saved on his laptop. After spending a weekend without a phone in the area, he finally began travelling east, and picked up a new (used) amplifier for Louis on the way, somewhere close to Doniños/San Sebastian. The two guys who sold him the amp were super nice and acted very surprised when they found out that we are two Austrians buying second hand equipment in Spain. One final night was spent in Spain and then Emil drove up North-East into France. He found himself racing through the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, soaking up some sweet morning rays that soon turned into blistering heat, melting him to the RV’s seat – after all, Gustavo doesn’t have air conditioning lol. This didn’t stop him from driving, but rather encouraged him to get the trip over with asap, covering more than 900 Km (550 Miles) on that day alone. Emil spent a night next to the motorway in France, close to Dijon and then drove on towards Vienna. After traversing Germany at insane speeds he made it to Austria and eventually back home where Louis was expecting him. We were finally reunited after Emil had travelled over 1100 Km on the last day of his trip. [ED TRIGGER WARNING] He managed to survive his long driving shifts by sticking to a strict diet consisting of hummus, Swedish crackers and decaf diet coke, the latter being the most important component by far. When he arrived at home, he had listened to a total of 32 hours of podcasts. Lou helped Emil move all of our equipment back into Emil’s Studio/Apartment and just like that the entire Iberian experience was over for both of us.

The first thing Emil noticed after his return was the significant drop in temperature compared to Spain. It’s been quite cold and somewhat rainy here in Austria recently, which sucks but also motivates us to organize and move to a warmer place as soon as possible. We do have some destinations in mind, but we’re not gonna tell and jinx ourselves again, like we have done with our close friends. Isn’t it the worst when you tell people about plans and then they ask later and you have to tell them that they didn’t work out? Gross. One thing we will say is that we’re trying to get a tiny tour bus for the two of us, so we can get around easily within Europe and have a car that we can sleep in. Unfortunately we’re gonna have to put Gustavo up for sale, he’s just too large for us – so if you know anybody who’s trying to buy an 80s RV, let us know.

Emil walking to Gustavo after a surf session, with the forest fire commencing in the background. Our house was right there on that hill 😮
The route that Emil drove to get back home. The letters “x” mark the spots where he slept.
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Razo da Costa

Currently we’re in Razo da Costa, a tiny yet lively village at the coast in Galicia. Our house is cheap but quite large so we have enough space now to set up our studio and record demos. The beach in Razo is quite known in the area for its great waves, and hell yeah we’re definitely taking advantage of that! We already got washing machined a few times but our spirits are still high – that’s part of the sport! Since our friends who accompanied us in Portugal are gone now we have a lot of time for ourselves and for working on the music project. Within a short amount of time we got a lot of stuff done and are confident to write new songs. This weekend we drove to Coruña and enjoyed a cool public concert by the Spanish band Triángulo de Amor Bizarro.

Also, we finally took some time to add a bunch of stuff to this website, so have a look around if you feel like it – the gallery section is def worth it. Also working on something suuuuper sweet that isn’t music related, so check back soon for that. We were a bit shocked when we recently discovered that this site has had over a thousand visitors in total yet we never put anything up here. We’ll be posting regular updates here from now on and the gallery will grow over time as well. This page here is like a blog, so if you scroll down you’ll see older posts. Thanks for reading!

View from the mountain we’re staying on. Got washed soo hard in those waves lol.

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After three incredible months of staying in our beloved bungalow we had to move on and find a new home. We had planned to leave anyway but the nice lady who rented the bungalow to us actually moved it off site right after we left, so weirdly enough we were the last people to ever stay there! Due to the high rental prices in Andalusia in summer we had to look for cheaper options and found a nice apartment in a small village in the North of Portugal. Still used to the warmth of Andalusia we were shocked by the rough and cold weather in Portugal. Wind, clouds, rain and an average temperature of around 20 degrees celsius welcomed us. Imagine having a beer on the beach in a t-shirt at night one day and then wearing a fully fleeced-out Jack Wolfskin jacket the next night in Portugal. It took a while to get used to these conditions, however, we still managed to have fun in Cortegaca. From time to time the waves would be really good and allowed for some great surfing sessions. There were not many people in the water and the ones who were out there were exceptionally friendly. In general, we found Portuguese people to be the friendliest we’ve ever met in all of Europe. Also, Porto turned out to be an absolutely amazing city with lots of cool neighborhoods and options for going out. However, this wasn’t enough to counterbalance the rough weather and the limited cuisine (yup, we’re not fans, sorry!). 

It was cool to stay in Portugal and get to know another culture, but all in all we were happy to move on to the North of Spain in August.

Look at us wearing jackets in July…
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El Palmar

In order to finish his degree in Computer Science, Emil had to complete an internship in the same field for at least 3 months. Since his university allowed to do this either in Austria or abroad, Emil took this opportunity and organized a remote 6 month internship in Spain. This gave him the freedom to leave his home and hit the road. In February 2021 Emil drove all the way down from Vienna to the South of Spain with a close school friend and his “new” RV Gustavo, a Fiat from the 1980s. Since Louis’ classes at University were all online he joined the two in March 2021. Through a local real estate website we managed to rent a tiny, sweet bungalow close to the beach in a small town called El Palmar. In fact, El Palmar is an informal settlement and most houses are actually mobile and not connected to the electricity net and sewerage. Our bungalow was one of these mobile houses, counting 30 square meters in total and powered by large solar panels on the roof. El Palmar also happens to be a surfer paradise, a reason that led to our decision to move there. The three months of our stay were some of the best times of our lives; enjoying the warmth and sunshine combined with surfing, hustling for work/university and mixing for peach tinted was all we did. And we miss every bit of it. 

The best part of our stay down there was the time we didn’t have Gustavo because he was getting fixed somewhere in Sevilla after breaking down there (engine failure). All we had were our two ancient bikes that we used to run all of our errands. To get our clothes washed we would have to cycle to a laundromat eleven kilometers from our bungalow, with all of our threads in backpacks and additional bags. We’d pick up a nice treat from our favorite grocery store (MERCADONA) on the way back every time though, something like fresh salmon, crunch muesli, fuet, jamon iberico or our favorite wine coto imaz.

La playa de Palmar. Our friend Alex came to visit.

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The pandemic and Cinematic Youth

This might sound bad, but the pandemic actually impacted us in a very positive way and gave us the opportunity to work together more intensely than ever before. Louis left Paris and flew back to Vienna since all of his on-site classes were cancelled so that the both of us could spend more time in the studio in Vienna. From March to June 2020 Louis snuck out of the house daily and met up with Emil to finish mixing and mastering. The city was dead and often Louis found himself alone in the streets, trying to get to Emil’s place without being stopped by the police.

In early June 2020 we had finished the Cinematic Youth EP and needed to shoot our cover pic. Louis came up with the bizarre idea to hang from an outdoor gym bar/getting splashed with peach tinted paint, symbolizing the contrast between heavy themes and joy. After some online research we found the perfect spot in Vienna’s 22nd district, a neighborhood we barely knew. To not disturb the locals at the outdoor gym (which is located next to a playground) we decided to go there at dawn with a group of friends to film us and splash the paint. At 5am on some random day we drove there and managed to complete the entire shoot in around 50 minutes. It was hella fun and we remember the process clearly as if it was yesterday. Nobody saw and after cleaning up the mess we went home covered in sticky paint from head to toe. It took both of us several hours and multiple showers to get that stuff off of our bodies, but we did have the foresight to ask our local paint dealer (why does that sound illegal haha) if it was safe to pour the stuff over our skin. The guy in the shop didn’t act surprised at all, apparently Austrians like to play with paint, who knew..

The cover was shot on real film, an old 35mm Nikon Camera, operated by Emil’s sister Sophie. To make sure that we would get a picture no matter what, we had our friend Maxi take backup pics on a digital camera. He ended up shooting some cool behind the scenes stuff, here are some of those he took during and right after:

The first pour.
All peachy

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