Currently we’re in Razo da Costa, a tiny yet lively village at the coast in Galicia. Our house is cheap but quite large so we have enough space now to set up our studio and record demos. The beach in Razo is quite known in the area for its great waves, and hell yeah we’re definitely taking advantage of that! We already got washing machined a few times but our spirits are still high – that’s part of the sport! Since our friends who accompanied us in Portugal are gone now we have a lot of time for ourselves and for working on the music project. Within a short amount of time we got a lot of stuff done and are confident to write new songs. This weekend we drove to Coruña and enjoyed a cool public concert by the Spanish band Triángulo de Amor Bizarro.
Also, we finally took some time to add a bunch of stuff to this website, so have a look around if you feel like it – the gallery section is def worth it. Also working on something suuuuper sweet that isn’t music related, so check back soon for that. We were a bit shocked when we recently discovered that this site has had over a thousand visitors in total yet we never put anything up here. We’ll be posting regular updates here from now on and the gallery will grow over time as well. This page here is like a blog, so if you scroll down you’ll see older posts. Thanks for reading!

One reply on “Razo da Costa”
i love these logs! please write more <3